Monday, August 23, 2010

Top Camera Digital DSLR in the World

Why do we have to choose a DSLR Camera? One of the advantages of digital SLR cameras with compact digital cameras is the size of the sensor. DSLR camera sensor size is bigger than a compact camera, so the quality of the image (image) which is generated becomes better.

Then the speed, DSLR faster in a matter of capturing images, start up, and also shutter lag (the time gap between pressing the button until the viewfinder image is saved). Flexible (for DSLR camera lens can be easily changed as needed).

Wide range of ISO, the ISO setting (sensitivity level sensor in the light) has a wider coverage, making it more flexible, taking pictures in all conditions even in low light though.

Manual control, more flexibility in the number and variety of () in a DSLR compared to compact cameras. Sharpness of images of space objects) (depth of field, quality optics and many other advantages.

Below this is the type of DSLR camera 10 of the most widely used top) (which I quoted from I hope to see this review, you can more easily determine which ones should be purchased. more info...

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